Tips to Heal My Cracked Heels

Tips to Heal My Cracked Heels

Tips to Heal My Cracked Heels

Rinki Answered question October 21, 2023

As we care for our faces, hands are the same as we need for our feet. Due to dirt, unhygienic habits and diet, many people face cracked heel problems. Use these tips to make your heels beautiful.

Soak and Exfoliate Your Feet 

The cracked skin on our heels is thicker compared to the rest of our body parts. So, for an easy and effective scrubbing process, it is advised you soak your feet in lukewarm water for at least 20 minutes. Use a pumice stone, luffa or scrubber to remove thick skin. Take a towel and pat dry your heels. Apply a heel balm or a good moisturiser to hydrate your heels. Many people prefer petroleum jelly to help their heels.

Apply Honey 

Honey comes with antifungal or antibacterial properties that work wonders in repairing cracked heels. It cleanses heels and moisturises them. You can use honey as a scrubber after soaking and can also use it as a mask.

Coconut Oil

Cracked heels are prone to infections and bleeding, so applying coconut oil can be an effective remedy. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help achieve smooth heels.

Rinki Answered question October 21, 2023
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