Tips to Avoid Rashes After Waxing?

Tips to Avoid Rashes After Waxing?

Tips to Avoid Rashes After Waxing?

Aarti Yadav Answered question June 12, 2023

For removing unwanted hair, we usually opt for waxing, but it’s painful and sometimes causes rashes. To avoid it, follow these easy tips.

Cool Compress 

Use cold water or clean napkins soaked in cold water to the rashes, which can help reduce rash. Do this for at least 15 minutes over the affected area.

Wear Loose Clothing 

If you wear tight clothes, it can aggravate skin irritation caused by waxing and its after-effects. This may lead to more itching and irritation. So, consider wearing loose clothes to stay away from these skin-related issues.

Sugar Scrub 

You can gently exfoliate your skin using a sugar scrub. Make a mixture of sugar and some oil like coconut oil and olive oil. Then exfoliate the area. It will prevent ingrown hair and provide you with smooth skin.

Warm Compress 

Some people also feel relief from rashes after using a warm compress. You can apply warm napkins to the affected area. It opens up the pores and ingrown hair may come out on its own.

Cleanse Properly

After waxing, cleanse the area properly to reduce the chance of irritation.

Use Some Essential Oils 

You can also apply essential oils to clear your rashes. Based on their severity, you can select an essential oil and mix it with some carrier oil like olive oil and coconut oil. It helps reduce rashes and inflammation after waxing.

Aarti Yadav Answered question June 12, 2023
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