How Can We Prepare for a Bikini Wax?

How Can We Prepare for a Bikini Wax?

How Can We Prepare for a Bikini Wax?

Reena Answered question May 18, 2023

Waxing is the hair removal method and it can be a little painful, especially for sensitive areas like the bikini area. So, before going for a bikini wax, prepare yourself for it by following these.

  • Firstly, for bikini wax, try to visit a professional salon because they have original wax that doesn’t harm your skin and they also know the Dos and Don’ts of it.
  • For the waxing process, your hair needs to grow at least ¼ inch or 2/3 centimetre because the wax is not able to grab short hair.
  • Don’t forget to Exfoliate your skin before waxing. It helps loosen up hair follicles and can cause you very less pain.
  • Wear some loose and breathable cloth before going for bikini wax to feel comfortable.
  • Also, if you want the process less painful, drink water properly at least 8 glasses before and the day of your wax.
  • Prepare yourself for little pain, redness and blood. It’s normal because the hair follicle is connected to blood vessels directly. But you can avoid all this by using the above process, and if problems persist, contact the practitioner without hesitation.
Reena Answered question May 18, 2023
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