How Can I Take Care of My Damaged Cuticle?

How Can I Take Care of My Damaged Cuticle?

How Can I Take Care of My Damaged Cuticle?

Afrin Answered question October 12, 2023

Having beautiful nails is good, but don’t you think your cuticles also play a vital role? Cuticles can be damaged due to hormonal imbalance, poor self-care, bad habits and many more. But don’t worry, with some simple tricks, you can cure your damaged cuticle and make your hands beautiful.

Don’t Cut Your Cuticle

As per experts, try to avoid cutting your cuticles. Because when you cut your cuticle, you invite bacteria to cause infections to your hands.

Moisturise Your Nails 

To make your cuticle hydrated, you can use some natural moisturisers such as castor oil and coconut oil. Because dry cuticles flask out just like your dry skin.

Take Manicure Services from an Experienced Practitioner 

If you are a manicure lover, try to visit a professional salon. Because an experienced esthetician understands your skin and takes care of it gently.

Stop Using Harsh Detergents 

Harsh detergents consist of chemicals that harm your skin. Avoid them to protect your cuticles.

Before Going to Bed, Apply Cuticle Cream 

To make your cuticle more healthy, apply cuticle cream or lotion every night before sleeping.

Afrin Answered question October 12, 2023
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